Tuesday, January 13, 2009


So... here's the deal. As of today -- 4/14/09 -- all of the sponsorship days have been filled. THANKS EVERYONE, for supporting our two guys on bikes.
But, wait!!! Don't stop reading yet. You, too, can still help these guys out. Even though it seems like the calendar is already full, it's really a lie. I actually have total control over the calendar (this is Joy writing, by the way), so with a little bribing and nudging -- you will end up on the sponsorship calendar. So, follow the directions below, and I'll be sure to get you in there!

Some folks have asked us if there is a way they could help out with our trip and rather than just ask for donations... We thought we would do a SPONSOR program. Here is how it works. We figure that it will cost us about $10-$15 each, per day, of our trip. Some days we won't spend anything, other days we will buy groceries, buy new tubes and suck down a tasty milkshake.

Now with our SPONSOR program, you can be part of the action.
By becoming a SPONSOR you get:
  • the Pick of which day(s) you want to sponsor (first come first serve)
  • a Picture of us on this site, holding up your name and picture(if available) for the world wide web to see on the day you SPONSOR
  • exclusive billing in our post for that day with mention of how we know you
  • a line in the credits of Two Guys on Bikes - the movie - sure to win awards
  • 10%! (if by chance we strike it rich on the day you sponsor... you get 10%... that's right 10%)(want us to buy a lottery ticket on your day? add a $1 and let us know)
  • TOP 4* - for our top FOUR SPONSORS (i.e. - the four people that SPONSOR the most day(s) we will travel the country with your name on fancy bike license plates or patches
  • NEW OPPORTUNITY! 1/16/09--Due to the popular demand for the two of us to embarrass ourselves as completely as possible "since we're leaving anyway," a new and creative sponsorship opportunity has become available. For the generous and good-looking (did I mention intelligent? that too!) individual SPONSOR who gives us the largest donation over $100 (hey, even we have standards), we concede to temporarily mar our physical beauty by SHAVING that lucky individual's NAME on the back of our HEADS. Of course we will do this very shortly before departure, after which our hair can grow back to a lush and glorious state hidden discretely under the cloister of our bike helmets. Unfortunately for us, and lucky for you, we won't be able to out-ride the pictures, and one day you can sit in your favorite chair and tell your grandchildren how, long ago, you made your mark on us.
* TOP 4 SPONSORS will be picked before the trip so that we can add you to our bikes.

Now I'm sure you are wondering how much this AMAZING program is going to cost you... sit down cause you are going to be shocked! To sponsor TWO GUYS ON BIKES for one WHOLE day can be yours for as little as $9.99! That's right $9.99!!

1 Day - $9.99 - 19.98
2 Days - $19.99 - 29.98
3 Days - $29.99 - 39.98
4 Days - you get the idea

Still with me? Good... here is all you have to do.

Send Joe an email joecaryjohnson@gmail.com and tell him which day(s) you want to SPONSOR

Send your check, cash, or money order to:
Joy Pehlke
UCSC College 8
1156 High St
Santa Cruz, CA 95064

This way you can still become a Sponsor once we have begun our trip and you realize how fun it would be to be part of it.

That is it! You are now one of our SPONSORS and we LOVE you for it.


  1. I think you should keep a running list of the "top 4" as you get more sponsors.

  2. Cool idea - I'll mail a check (with an extra buck for the lottery)!

  3. dude(s), setup a paypal account and add a "sponsor us now" button to the bloggy

  4. Oh! You got my email about May 4 then...awesome. I will send Joy a check. So, it's in honor of the birthday twins, Meg and Bracken Feldman (honestly no relation to me, but Meg did attend UVM as a student). Enjoy the rest of the trek!
